
Friday, 3 October 2014

iPhone6 Plus : #Bendgate - The Complete Story

After all the social media was flooded with posts, comments, videos and content on the iPhone6 Plus, we gathered the most interesting and creative Tweets and compiled something of a story for you guys.

Samsung has always been quick to draw and shoot.

However, did anyone even consider if the #Bendgate might be a feature, not a bug ?

Functionality comparison.

Of course, Beckham already knew that...

...And, Dali got a custom phone, for being the inspiration behind that marvalous design decision.

Accessory designers quickly seized the moment and grabbed the iPhone 6 Plus accessory market

Early concept models.

And, some future applications for the bend technology.

Envious non-bender...

Heineken partnered with Apple and provided their extremely thorough bend test as preliminary research to the technology

Some people are super thrilled about the new product.

And, of course, meet the people responsible!

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