
Friday 13 February 2015

The Worst Possible Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Time is short and Valentine's Day nears. Some people have already prepared with their presents, others haven't. Some people plan their perfect gifts weeks before the actual event, others procrastinate and act as fast as they can in the final hours.

Acting fast often clouds your judgement and makes you do terrible or wrong hasty decisions. If you are superstitious you have another problem - this year the 13th of February is... Friday.

Dear procrastinators, people having limited free time and everyone else, here's a lists of the most awful St Valentine's Day gifts you should avoid at all cost.

woman disappointed by her present

1. Same or Similar Past Year's Gifts

A present has to be unique. No doubt about that. You wouldn't want your partner to think that you didn't put any effort at all when selecting his/her gift.

Of course there are some exceptions, say, a trip somewhere you haven't been before. Or maybe your partner wouldn't mind a sequel of a book or a movie.

2. Gift Cards

Again this could leave the impression that you didn't put an effort or thought to look for a present. Or even worse - you don't know your beloved well enough to know what's exciting for them.

3. Diet Stuff or Fitness Card

Are you implying that your partner is fat, eats too much and doesn't take proper care of their body? There are other ways to tell this to your beloved, just don't do it on St Valentine's Day.

4. Kitchen Appliances

awful gifts

Not exactly a romantic gift but it's worth mentioning. Some people are inexperienced with presents and although they buy appliances with good intentions, it might be offending.

It's probably best if you avoid anything with an electric cord.

5. Nothing Self-Serving

pink playstation 3
The gift you are going to buy for your valentine must big for them and them only.

So if you are planning on buying a TV, PC, PS4 or any tech it's probably best if you don't get them as a present.

6. Heart-Shaped Cliches

Despite it appears natural, avoid getting jewellery or anything in the shape of a heart. It's not unique nor surprising. It's probably something everybody expects.

7. Mockery
sex for dummies

No mocking gifts that could offend the other person. This includes no how-to books, recipes, <...> for dummies etc.

For example if you're a guy don't give car driving or parts manuals, or handyman guides. If you are a girl don't give self-esteem and confidence tutorial books.

No sexist gifts! Men are better than women in some fields and vice versa.

The last 3 are considered highly individual and exceptions can be easily made.

8. Perfumes and Cosmetics

The idea is bad mainly because there's nothing special in it. Everybody can get cosmetics whenever they want.

Some might even find in personal - "Why is he giving me a perfume? Do I stink that much" or "He gave me mascara, am I so repulsive?".

But if you know what you're doing, nobody will ever turn down a £200 perfume.

9. Clothes

Again nothing special about clothes. How are clothes related to love anyway? Except when they are off.

However if you are sure your valentine wouldn't mind jacket or a dress you could try. On your own risk that is.

10. Lingerie and Other Sex Related Stuff

St Valentine is all about showing your love in a romantic way. With gifts like these you are too straight forward and kill the romance.

Imagine what happens if you don't get the right size lingerie. Oh God.

Ever Wondered About The Best Valentine's Day Surprises?

Worry not, they are listed in:

Ten Best Ways To Make Your Valentine's Day Awesome

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